The adventures of Flatfish, episode 2, part 1/2.                       
                      | Hello everyone! It's me again, flatfish, |   
        .======.      | and today I'm going to be installing     |   
     }\:        :  ---| Red hat.                                 |   
     }  - - - -8|      '----------------------------------------'    
     }/:        :                                                    
 | Hmmm, I've inserted the CD, let's  |                              
 | see what it says...                |                              
__/        _________________________________                         
          |  _____________________________  |                        
          | |Redhat installation:         | |                        
          | |                             | |                        
          | |                             | |                        
          | |                             | |                        
          | |  Press  to install.  | |                        
          | |                             | |                        
          | |                             | |                        
          | |                             | |                        
          | |_____________________________| |                        
          | ooooo                      (=)  |                        
       .-----------------------.         .======.                    
      |  Oh GOD. I never knew   |       :        :/{                 
      | it would be so cryptic. |______ |8- - - -  {                 
      | Where are the icons     |       :        :\{                 
      | and pictures? What an   |        '======'                    
      | abortion Linux is!      |                                    
                        | There's only one solution   |              
          .======.      | to this. I'll have to visit |              
       }\:        :     | my old friend Terry Porter. |              
       }  - - - -8| ____| I bet he can sort this mess |              
       }/:        :     | out!                        |              
          '======'       '---------------------------'               
So, the next day:                                                    
                   | Ah, here I am at last, at            |          
                   | the airport. Unfortuanetly, I've     |          
                   | spent so much money on Linux distros |          
                   | to install, I've no money left for   |          
                   | a ticket. I'll have to smuggle       |
                   | myself on-board in true Flatfish     |
                   | fashion.                             |
   ____________             |                                        
  |Kiev Airport|            |                                        
 _|____________|            |                                        
|[] [] [] [] [] |           __                                       
|[] []  _ [] [] |         _/OO\                                      
|______| |______|         O---O                                      
}  {}  {} {} {/  /                                                   
                            |  Bwahaha! I've cunningly   |           
        _____________       | hidden myself in this copy |           
       /___________ /|      | of Linux. It's such a pile |           
      |   .---.    | |     /| of shit, no-one will ever  |           
      | ..'.. '..  | |    / |  look inside!              |           
      |'-...___..' | |   /   '--------------------------'            
      | _:   . :...| |  /                                            
      |'  '   .''  | |                                               
      |            | |                                               
______|            | |_____                                          
      | RedHat 6.2 | |                                               
But soon:                                                            
                                   | Oh, I don't feel so well out of   |
                                   | the water... If I don't find      |
      _________________/|       ___| some stagnant water to flouder in |
     /                /||__    /   | soon I might die...               |
    /________________/_ _ _''8      '---------------------------------'
   | Redhat 6.2     /|_____..'                                       
   |_______________| |/                                              
               | |       | |                                         
               | |_______| |         .--------------------------------.
               :-----------:        | Hmmm... Although not water, this |
               |           |        | seat is so sweaty and stale, I   |
               |           |        | feel quite at home here. Whoever |
              _|           |_       | was sitting here last must have  |
             / |           | \      | a great big fat arse!            |
            / /|           |\ \      '--------------------------------'
           /_/ /           \ \_\       |                             
          /_/ /|           |\ \_\      |                             
         |__|/ |___________| \|__|     |                             
              /   _______   \         /                              
             / }''_ _ _ _''8 \    ___/                               
            / }'.._______..'  \                                      
           |                   |                                     
      .-+-------+-.   |  Oh no, someone's coming  | 
      | |       | |   | back, I think it's..      |
      | |_______| |   | ..the big fat yank...     |
      :-----------:   | ...Aaron Kulkis!          |  .~~~~~. 
      |           |    '-------------------------'  / _____ \
      |           |          |                     ( / )
     _|           |_         |            _____     |  /_   | 
    / |           | \        |           /          ( )---( ) 
   / /|           |\ \       |          /     _______\_____/______
  /_/ /           \ \_\      |         /    .'    | |       | |   '.
 /_/ /|           |\ \_\     |        /    /      | |       | |     \
|__|/ |___________| \|__|   /        /    |       | |_______| |      |
     /   _______   \       /        /     |     \/             \/    |
    / }''_ _ _ _''8 \  ___/        /      |     /               \    |
   / }'.._______..'  \            /       |    /                 \   |
  (___________________)  .-------+----.   |   :                   :  |
  |                   | | Oooh, my     \   \ :                     :_|
  |___________________| | ass sure does \   \:                     :  \
                        | sting after    \   :                     :__/
               |        | havin' that     \   :                   :  
               |        | great big shite. :   \_________________/   
               |        | Maybe I should   |                         
                \       | have a sit down. |                         
                 \       '----------------'                          
               | No, don't!  |                                       
               | Please!     |                                       

           /_     _\                                                 
          ( \ )                                                
        .--|   _\  |--.                                              
        |  ( )---( )  |                                              
    .'   | |       | |   '.                                          
   /     | |       | |     \                                         
  |      | |_______| |      |                                        
  |    \/             \/    |                                        
  |    /               \    |                            
  (   /                 \   )                                        
 /   :                   :   \                                       
/   :                     :   \                                      
___ :                     : ___\                                     
   \:                     :/    \                                    
___//:                   :\\____/                                    
__|/:                     :\|___|                                    
   |     .           .     |                                         
   |      '.........'      |                                         
   |       |       |       |                                         
            .~~~~~.            .----------------------------------.      
           /       \          | Ah, that's better. Hmmm... maybe   |    
          ( \ )        _| I shudda wiped my ass after being  |   
        .--|   _\  |--. ____/ | on the john for so long.           |  
        |  ( )---( )  |        '----------------------------------'  
    .'   | |       | |   '.                                        
   /     | |       | |     \                                      
  |      | |_______| |      |                                    
  |    \/             \/    |                                   
  |    /               \    |         .------------------------------.  
  (   /                 \   )        | Oh god, the smell! Please, get |
 /   :                   :   \       | up!!! Your arse is killing me! |
/   :                     :   \       '------------------------------' 
___ :                     : ___\         /                            
   \:                     :/    \       /                            
___//:                   :\\____/  ____/                            
__|/:                     :\|___|                                     
   |     .           .     |                                         
   |      '.........'      |                                         
   |       |       |       |                                         

            .~~~~~.               .---------------------------------.
           /_______\             |  What the blazes is that? My      |
          ( \ )           _| ass appears to be talkin' to me.  |
        .--|   _\  |--.  ______/ | I'd better get up and have a see. |
        |  ( )---( )  |           '---------------------------------'
    .'   | |       | |   '.      
   /     | |       | |     \     
  |      | |_______| |      |    
  |    \/             \/    |    
  |    /               \    |    
  (   /                 \   )    
 /   :                   :   \  
/   :                     :   \
___ :                     : ___\
   \:                     :/    \ 
___//:                   :\\____/ 
__|/:                     :\|___| 
   |     .           .     |      
   |      '.........'      |      
   |       |       |       |      
                     .~~~.          .----------------------------------. 
                    // p )  _______| What in tarnation? There appears   |
                 ___|-(  |___      | to be a dead fish stuck to my      |
                // /|\__/|| \\     | big, fat, American ass! This would |
           _ __// /_|____||__\\    | never happen in the states!        |
          (_|____/            ||    '----------------------------------' 
              |               ||                                         
              |      ___      |)                                         
              |     / 8 \     |                                          
              |    {  |  }    |                                          
               \   {  |  }   /                                           
                \   \_|_/   /                                            
                 |  |/_\|  |                                             
                _|  |  _|  |                                             
               ( |__| ( |__|                                             
                \___|  \___|                                             

                                      :        \/{
                                      8- - - -   {
Captain's voice                       :        /\{
 .------------------------.            '======'
| We will soon be landing  |          |
| in Moscow....            |          |
 '------------------------'           |
    /                           .-------------------------.
___/                           |  What the fuck? I thought |
                               | this plane was going to   |
                               | Australia?                |
              / _____ \          
             ( \ )          .----------------------------.
           .--|   _\  |--. ______|  Nope, this plane's goin' to |
           |  ( )---( )  |       | Russia, so I can buy myself  |
         __|___\_____/___|__     | a new wife.                  |
       .'   | |       | |   '.    '----------------------------'
      /     | |       | |     \  
            | |_______| |      | 

    .======.     | Hmmm...this calls for evasive action.|               
 }\/        : ___| I'll have to.....hijack the plane!   |              
 }   - - - -8     '------------------------------------'                
 }/\        :                                                           
                    | Hey Kulkis, do you have any guns |              
    .~~~~~.         | on you?                          |                
   /       \         '------------------------------.-'    .=====-.     
  ( \ )       .-----------------------------.  \    :        \/{  
   |   _\  |       | Why of course. I always carry |  \__ 8- - - -   {
   ( )---( ) ______| a full arsenal of weapons. It |      :        /\{  
____\_____/_____   | would be unconstitutional and |       '======'     
 | |      | |   '. | un-American not to.           |                    
 | |      | |     \ '-----------------------------'                     
 | |______| |      |                                                    
 | Here you go...  |                                                    
  '---------------'               .----------.                          
         |                       | Thank you! |                        
         |                        '----------'                          
     .~~~~~.                        \                                   
    /       \                        \                                  
   ( \ )                        \                                 
    |   _\  |             .________      .======.                       
    ( )---( )            [   ____.-'    :        \/{                    
_____\_____/_____       / | [']         8- - - -   {                    
  | |       | |  '.    /\ |_|           :        /\{                    
  | |       | |    \  /  \/              '======'                       
__| |_______| |_    \/   /                                              
                |\      /                                               
                | \    /                                                
                |  \__/                                                 
And so:                                                                 
                               | This is a hijacking! Turn this |
                         ______| plane around and head for      |
    _                   /      | Australia!                     |
   |#\                 /        '.-----------------------------' 
}}}}   ....................`'.  
   \________/      )_______--'
           /     .'
}}}}}}}}}}/___ .'

Inside the plane:

    ~_~_~     | Oh no, we're all |    .------------------------------. 
   ~/O O\~ ___| going to die!    |   | This would never have happened |
  ()   ) ()    '----------------'    | if we were all allowed to have |
 // \ <>/ \\                         | guns on board! This is all a   |
//___\_/___\\                        | communist plot etc...          |
\__      ___/                         '------------------------------'
   |    |                               /
   |    |                  .~~~~~.     /
   |____|                 /_______\   /
   | __ |                ( \ ) /
   ||  ||                 |   _\  |
   ||  ||                 ( )---( )
  _||  ||_               __\_____/__
 (__|  |__)


   | Here we are at last! |
_________                 ..  :
 )_______)            ._.' :  ::
/                   .'      '.:'.
              ...--'             '.
            .'                     : 
            :                      :
           '.                      :
            ',                    .'
             :    ....            :
            '._.''    '.'.       .'         :
                          '...'.'           :'.
                             . .           .'.'
                             :':        ..'''
                              '       .'.'

At the airport:

                    .---------------------------------.     _____
                   | Oh bugger, how will I escape now? |   /  .  |
                    '--.------------------------------'   / .. '.|
                       |                                 / ''\  :|
               _________________________________________/ /'..\' |
             .'        Air Ukraine                        .-------.
            (oo  oo(o)oooooooooooooo(o)oooooooooooo(o)oo (        (       
             '._______________(               \_________________--'
                     ||        '.              \
                     ||         /*\..           '.
                    OOOO        |**| '''...___    '.
                                 \/_____/   ||'.... '.
      ________                             OOOO    '''''  
     | POLICE \      .-------------.
     |         \ ---| Come out with |
     'o'----'o''    | your fins up! |

     | Ahah, I have an idea, I will |      .======.
     | conceal myself in someone's  |     :        \/{
     | pants, then slip out once    |____ 8- - - -   {
     | they've left the plane...    |     :        /\{
      '----------------------------'       '======'

   .-----------------------.               ### 
  | This woman's pants look |             #####
  | quite comfortable.      |             #'\'# 
   '-------------------.---'              # - #
                        \                #|    #
                         \                || ) )
                          .===.           ||  ||
                         } - - :          ()__|)
                          '==='           /|  |_\___
                                         (_| ||     |
                                         | | ||     |

And so:
            \  __/
       /     .     . \       .---------------.
      /       '.    '.\     | In we slide...  |
     /  /       .     .\     '---------------' 
    /  /|       :     : \    /
   /  / |   _ _._    .\  |  /
  |  /  |    \ /  '''| | | /
  | |   |   / a \  _______/
  | |   |  {  a  }   | | |
  |_|   |  {  a  }   | |_|
 (___)  |__{__a__}___|(___)
  |  | .'============|_____\__________    
  |  |:              |                |    
  |  |:              |                |    
  |__|'              |                |    
 /    \'.        |   |                |    
|      ||        |   |                |    
|      ||        |   |________________|    
 \____/ |        |   |

      ###        | Oh dear, I seem to have a |
     #####       | rather damp patch around  |
     #.\.# ______| my twat. I wonder what    |
     # - #       | could be causing that.    |
    #|    #       '-------------------------'
     || ) )
     ||  ||
    | | ||     |
    | | ||     |

      ###               /_ __\     .----------------------------. 
     #####              |'/ '| ___| Hey, is that a dead flatfish |
     #.\.#              '.--''    | down your pants or are you   |
     # - #              /    \    | just pleased to see me?      |
    #|    #             ||   ||    '----------------------------'
     || ) )             ||   ||        
     ||  ||             ||___||
     ()__|)             (|   ()
     _|##|_\___          ||  |
    | | ||     |         ||  |
    | | ||     |         ||  |
    |_|_||_____|         ||__|
      |__\\            ((____|
             | I'm afraid it's a dead |
             | flatfish.              |


                    | Ha! I have managed to escape |
       .======.     | alive, and now I can get on  |
    }\/        : ___| with my quest to install     |
    }   - - - -8    | Red Hat.                    |
    }/\        :     '----------------------------'

Several hours later:

                            | Ahah, this knackered  |
                            | old shack must be     |
       ___  ____  __        | Terry Porter's house. |
      /  /\|  / |/ /\__/\    '---------------------'
     / /    /    /   / / \        |
     '_._.___.____.___.__'        |
      ||||||| | |#||{* }|         |
..-.--|||#||   o||||{_*}|-.--.---.|----..--..---..-- 
    . |||||| |  |||#||||| .     . | .    .        .
      |#|||#|_|_|#|||||#|     .   |    .      .
  .          \  \  .    .   .    .|  .     .      .
     .   .    \  \__________________________________
  .    .    .      .      .     .   .    .     . .

|||||||||            ||||||||{\     }||||
||##|||||         |  ||||||||{  \  /}||||
||##|||||   |     |  ||||||||{  /\/ }||||
||##|||||   |        ||||||||{/   \ }||||
|||#|||||   |  |     ||||||||{______}||||
|||#|||||   |  |   o ||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||      |     ||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||| |          ||||||||||||||||||||
|||||#||| |    _._   ||||||||||||||||||||
|||||#||| |   / 8 \  ||||||||||||||||||||
|||||##|| |  {  a  } |||||||||||||||||||| .
|||||||||____{  a  }_||||||||||||||||||||
        .\    \  a \_\     .           .
 .        \    '..___{\  *knock*.           .
      .    \           \    *knock*
   .       .\           \  *knock*  .     .
             \           \
        .    .\           \_________________
  .            \
          .     \
      .          \
 .           .    \_________________________


             ______|________|______               .---------------------.
            (______________________)             |  Aww strewth! Who the |
             | |  (< O>/ \< O>) | |              | fuck could that be?   |
             D D   |  (___)  |  D D     _________| SHEILA! GO AND SEE    |
        ___________|'.'.'.'.'|______________     | WHO'S AT THE FUCKING  |
      .'           |'.=====.'|              '.   |  DOOR!                |
      |            '..'.'.'..'               |    '---------------------'
      |     ________/'-----'\________        |
      |    /|  |                 |  |\       |
       '._/ |  |         .----.  |  | \____.'
      .' /  |  |         |~~~~|  |  |  \    '.
      | /   |  '.        |XXXX|_.'  \   \    |
      |/   /|    '._____.------ \____\   \   |
      /   / |           :---              :  |
     /   /  |           :---    _________.'  |
    :   :   |           '-----''    |        |
    :   '.  |            |XXXX|     |        |
     '.   '.|            '----'     |        |
      |'.   '.                      |        |
      |__'.   '.                    |  ______| 
     .'    '.___'.__________________|.'  ___  '.
   .'      /  *scratch*             \    \++\   '.   
 .'       /                          \    \++\    '.
'        /       *scratch*            \    \++\     '.
        /            _____             \              '.
.....  /            /     \             \   ............:.
     '/            /       \             \.'              '.
     /            /         \             \                :

 ____| FUCK OFF! GO AND |
     | ANSWER IT YOUR-  |
     | FUCKING-SELF!    |
  .-------------------.     ____|.\.|____
 | Jesus Christ bitch! |__ (____|.-.|____)
 | I'm trying to watch |   |/_||`---'||\ |
 | the Aussie Rules,   |   // ||__|X|||\\| 
 | you go and fucking  |  //  |   :''---': 
 | open the door.      |  \\  |   |..----' 
  '-------------------'    ()_|___|_|_|__|
                          /  //  ___  \\  \
                         /__//  /   \  \\__\
                         |__|| |_____| ||__|
                          |  | |     | |  |
                          |  | |     | |  |
                            /__|     |__\

           _ ##                          .--------.
    ##  ### #####                   _____|________|______
    ######    ###                  (_____________________)
     ####      :                    | | (/ \) | |
      ## _______:                   D D  |  (___)  |  D D
     ::    o\/o  :                       |'.'.'.'.'|
     '.    (_)   :                       |'.=====.'|
     _|.' _.'.'.'.:                      '..'.'.'..'
    / |.'| \_.'.'.|__             ___ ____/'-----'\________
__.'  |.'|/.'.'.'.|              /|  |                 |  |\
   \  :.'.'.'.'.'.|             / |  |                 |  | \
    |  \'.'.._.'.':            /  |  |                 |  |  \
    |   '...'.'..'                          |
    |       '..'                            |
    |           \                           |
    |            \                          |
   /    .------------.                      |
  /    | What did you |      .---------------------------------.
 /     | fucking call |     | I called you a fucking bitch.     |
/      | me?          |     | Now go and open the fucking door. |
        '------------'       '---------------------------------'
               |                                  |
               |                                  |
      .------------------.                        |
     | Why don't you get  |                       |
     | off your fat arse  |    .--------------------------------.
     | and open it? You   |   | Absolute bollocks. I got up      |
     | haven't been off   |   | last Tuesday to turn the telly   |
     | that fucking chair |   | over. Now answer the fucking     |
     | in three weeks.    |   | door you fucking whore.          |
      '------------------'     '--------------------------------'

   | Right, that's it,    |                   .--------------.
   | I'm going to fucking |                  | Awww...bugger. |
   | kill yer!            |                   '--------------' 
    '--------------------'                        /
                     |                           /
                     |                  ___     /
            ##  ##   |                 |   |
           #######   |             =============
            ##  __|  |             | |(o>|o>)| |
            (    o> /              D D| (   |D D
            |.'.--|                   |===.'|
            /\.'.'|                  __\.'./__    
           |  __ \                  /||     ||\  \   .-------------.
           | |  \ \                /_||_____||_\  \ | Alright then, |
           | |   \ |__ __         // |       | \\  \| I'll open the |
           |  \   \|__'__}       ::  |      _| //   | friggin' door |
           |   \   '  '  }       ||  |_____|X|//     '-------------'
           |    \_____.__}       ||  |     |()/   
           |       |             ()  |   . |_|    
           |_______|                 | .' '. |
            |   ) )                  | |   | |
            |   | |                  | |   | |
            |   | |                  | |   | |
            |---|-|                  | |   | |
            |   |_|__              __|_| __| |
            |______)_)            (____|(____|

And so:

              | Hello? |
                   |                   \
                  /                     \
|||||||||  |#| =='|##||||||||{\     }||||
||##||||| ||#_\.'/_##||||||||{  \  /}||||
||##||||| ||/||__||\#||||||||{  /\/ }||||
||##||||| ||/|    |.|||||||||{/   \ }||||
|||#||||| o|#|    |||||||||||{______}||||
|||#|||||  |#|____|||||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||| |#|    |()||||||||||||||||||||
|||||||||| |#| || |##||||||||||||||||||||
|||||#|||| |#| || |##||||||||||||||||||||
|||||#|||  |#|_||_|##||||||||||||||||||||
|||||##|| /#(__)(__)#|||||||||||||||||||| .
        .\  8- - \/{ \     .           .
 .        \ \____/\{  \         .           .
      .    \           \           
   .       .\           \  .        .     .
             \           \

                           |   |
                       =============       .-------------------------.
                       | |(

 .d888888        888    .d888d8b        888      
d88P" 888        888   d88P" Y8P        888      
888   888        888   888              888      
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888   888    "88b888   888   88888K     888 "88b 
888   888.d888888888   888   888"Y8888b.888  888 
888   888888  888Y88b. 888   888     X88888  888 
888   888"Y888888 "Y888888   888 88888P'888  888 
  __ _       _    __ _     _     
 / _| |     | |  / _(_)   | |    
| |_| | __ _| |_| |_ _ ___| |__  
|  _| |/ _` | __|  _| / __| '_ \ 
| | | | (_| | |_| | | \__ \ | | |
|_| |_|\__,_|\__|_| |_|___/_| |_|
   ad88 88                       ad88 88           88           
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ASCII Character Codes:

f = ASCII 102

l = ASCII 108

a = ASCII 97

t = ASCII 116

f = ASCII 102

i = ASCII 105

s = ASCII 115

h = ASCII 104


F = ASCII 70

L = ASCII 76

A = ASCII 65

T = ASCII 84

F = ASCII 70

I = ASCII 73

S = ASCII 83

H = ASCII 72
